
Friday 29 May 2020

dream bedroom

my room has a Lamborghini,2 Motorbikes,closet a kitchen you may as why he has a kitchen in his bedroom its just for show so he can show off. TV couch so the refuge can have his mates over or even his girlfriend and a gaming monitor so when hes bored he can play video games and play with his friends. I also has a cool bed with a built in TV and a built in computer and a very comfy bed because who doesn't like a comfy bed. this refuge would have to  be just like me because I have added every thing that I like. this task was fun because I got to make my dream bedroom which was very fun. 
WALT share our creativity with our online audio.


  1. Hi Dev I like your post it is awesome i like how you put the motorbike because,who doesn't like motorbikes they are awesome but any way i like your dream bed room

    Why diden't you do walls for his room

  2. Very good work that must have taken a long time. You're very good on tinkercad I wish I was that good. Make sure to keep up the good work and maybe you could show me how to do that👊👊👊

    1. Hey beau maybe I could show you how to do that one day thanks for commenting and what was your favourite part about the room.
