
Wednesday 3 June 2020

something alive

WALT create a quility blog post that explains our learning.

  Something alive” is a graphic novel writing by Jem Yoshioka based on a japan lady that lives in New Zealand with here grandma mum and the story she is confused on why they dress up in in armour sword and blood or make her a chrome statue as the product of some imaginary superhero. the main character wants to find her inner japanese her and her nan always practising japanese words and writing she always gets asked questions about japan that she doesn't know and always gets told stuff about japan that she already knows about. Sometimes she gets teased because she japanese but she doesn't know anything about japan. She still has traditional japanese food such as family diners and her grandma has expectations that she does not have and she feels like she should no more about her country. But she has learnt so much of her grandma.


  1. Replies
    1. kia ora Clayton. in Huia whanau, when Miss Fleet tells us to write a comment, she means to write a descriptive and long comment that usually contains 1 to 2 questions

  2. Hey Dev I Like your post it is okay i guess maybe you could Make your work sound seance more because i did not under stand it that well and your spelling im not worried about it, it just needs work but really it's good.

    Next time can you ad more writting about the text,check your spelling and make it sound sence.

  3. Very good quality Dev the settings are very well done and the writing you've done is quite interesting. there's lots of detail which makes it interesting. Very well done keep up the good work.

  4. your story board is very confusing but you pretty much summarised the whole story anyway,good work
