
Friday 22 May 2020

close to the edge summary and animation

“Close to the edge” is a short story told by Cecile Kruger. Close to the edge talks about this teenage girl Opal and her mum. As they walk north along this dusty track close to the edge as they have been travelling on foot for days she and her mum are very tired just like the rest of the group that her and her mum are walking with. As they walk along this narrow track the group comes to a stop for the purpose of someone stepping too close to the edge sending sand,dust and other things down the cliff as the rest of the group recovers from the scare Opal decides to adventure into the crevice in the side of the cliff there on the side off. As she steps into the dim lighted cave on the side of the cliff. As she adventures further and further into this cave she finds something wet that wraps around her ankles that's what the author left us with to figure out what it is personally I think she steps into the water and a eel wraps around her leg. WALT visualise and summarise the text in our own words What do you think is more interesting the animation from google slides or the summary of the book.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Devlin, It is Ari, I really enjoyed reading your post,I can see you put in a lot of effort into this task, I really liked your animation, I thought It was very creative, and my favourite part was when Opal went inside the cave, and found the water. I thought that how you thought that the thing that was wrapping around Opal's legs was an eel was very unique. I liked your summary, I think it is very well done. Did you enjoy making the animation? Do like the text? Were you working collaboratively?
