
Thursday 7 May 2020



  1. Hi Devlin,
    I really enjoyed studying your book cover, mine is no where near this quality. I have been in a rush lately and don't really care about my piece but this is just extraordinary. I was wondering if you were in the situation of say, Isabel would you have done any thing different to alter what is going to happen next?
    Sincerely,, Dr. Joshua D. Brits.

    1. hey josh thanks for commenting and if i was in that situation i would probably do the same but what about you would you do if you were in this situation in any of the refugees situations would you change any thing or what

  2. 😠hi D1devlin this is a great refugee book curer

  3. wow didn't know they dad life gardz or those sea ambulances next time add detail

  4. josh ya funny fella extraordinary studding must be magnificent

  5. Hi Devlin, I really enjoyed your post, you did an excellent job on this task, and you created a quality piece of learning, but I will also say my title cover slightly resembles your cover.I really like the background, it is fitting and you have done an excellent Job. which Refugee family do you think is in the boat? Did you enjoy this task?
