
Wednesday 9 September 2020

hunger games

Lately my literacy group have been doing a novel study on the hunger games I am on chapter 5. And done all the summary and questions here is chapter 1 summary.

Katniss Everdeen  wakes up; It is the day of the reaping. She sees her little sister Prim  asleep in bed with their mother across the room. Katniss puts on her clothes to go hunting. The area where she and her family live is called the Seam, and it’s part of District 12. They are at the edge of the district, which is enclosed by a high fence, and Katniss often crawls under the fence and goes into the woods  where she hunts. Her father taught her these skills before his death in a mine explosion when she was young and she uses a bow her dad made. Though trespassing in the woods and poaching is illegal and Katniss even sells meat to the Peacekeepers who are supposed to enforce the law Most people in the districts don’t have enough food.

Friday 24 July 2020

math people

WALt conduct a study on two famous mathematicians.  reflection this was fun I worked collaboratively with Asher and Kauri we choose these mathematicians because they are the only ones we know what mathematicians do you know? and do you have any more facts on these famous mathematicians?

Tuesday 23 June 2020

is there life on other planets

this is mine ari's and Joshua work.

Monday 22 June 2020

planet discovery's

WALT research.

Friday 12 June 2020

galileo summary

WALT summarise the text.
in today's task we had to read the text about Galileo the space scientist this was very fun and interesting because i didn't know much about this man. did you know that he was the man that invented the telescope?

Tuesday 9 June 2020


WALT making connections. this is my telescope it was made on tinker cad  is made out of 4 cylinder 1 bigger then the others. 1 triangle 3 stretched out squares as the try pode. this has thought me how to use  tinker cad. tinker cad is a 3d making platform were you can let you're imagination run wild you can also look at other peoples creation

Wednesday 3 June 2020

something alive

WALT create a quility blog post that explains our learning.

  Something alive” is a graphic novel writing by Jem Yoshioka based on a japan lady that lives in New Zealand with here grandma mum and the story she is confused on why they dress up in in armour sword and blood or make her a chrome statue as the product of some imaginary superhero. the main character wants to find her inner japanese her and her nan always practising japanese words and writing she always gets asked questions about japan that she doesn't know and always gets told stuff about japan that she already knows about. Sometimes she gets teased because she japanese but she doesn't know anything about japan. She still has traditional japanese food such as family diners and her grandma has expectations that she does not have and she feels like she should no more about her country. But she has learnt so much of her grandma.

Friday 29 May 2020

dream bedroom

my room has a Lamborghini,2 Motorbikes,closet a kitchen you may as why he has a kitchen in his bedroom its just for show so he can show off. TV couch so the refuge can have his mates over or even his girlfriend and a gaming monitor so when hes bored he can play video games and play with his friends. I also has a cool bed with a built in TV and a built in computer and a very comfy bed because who doesn't like a comfy bed. this refuge would have to  be just like me because I have added every thing that I like. this task was fun because I got to make my dream bedroom which was very fun. 
WALT share our creativity with our online audio.

Wednesday 27 May 2020

polish poster

today we had to make a poster on Poland I am pretty sure that it is we are reading a book on polish refugees. in the poster I had to research stuff like polish currency,polish flag,what the capital of Poland is, population and what motorbikes they have in Poland. today I learnt a lot of facts on Poland such as what food the eat and other stuff. what do you like about poland? and if you could go to any country what would it be?

Friday 22 May 2020

close to the edge summary and animation

“Close to the edge” is a short story told by Cecile Kruger. Close to the edge talks about this teenage girl Opal and her mum. As they walk north along this dusty track close to the edge as they have been travelling on foot for days she and her mum are very tired just like the rest of the group that her and her mum are walking with. As they walk along this narrow track the group comes to a stop for the purpose of someone stepping too close to the edge sending sand,dust and other things down the cliff as the rest of the group recovers from the scare Opal decides to adventure into the crevice in the side of the cliff there on the side off. As she steps into the dim lighted cave on the side of the cliff. As she adventures further and further into this cave she finds something wet that wraps around her ankles that's what the author left us with to figure out what it is personally I think she steps into the water and a eel wraps around her leg. WALT visualise and summarise the text in our own words What do you think is more interesting the animation from google slides or the summary of the book.

Wednesday 20 May 2020

summary and plan

WALT visualise and summarise the text in our own words. “my name is rez” is a graphic novel told by Toby morris. Rez is a young girl living in an Iran refugee camp with her family. Rez’s parents declare themselves as refugees and move to New zealand. When they arrived to New zealand Rez has here seventh birthday in a house in Auckland New Zealand the were all so overwhelmed. Her parents signed her up to the nearest school as soon as possible. But all the kids at her new school spoke a new language she already spoke three languages now she had to learn another one. She learnt a few words in english “my name is rez” is what she learnt to say. All the other kids took advantage of this as one kid says how are you and as Rez can only say “my name is Rez” the all start laughing wich is not very nice. But once she grew up she has been a youth advisor for the red cross. Now she is a lawyer at a big law firm in auckland she started a program to help young refugees,and she was named young new zealander of the year award in 2017.

Tuesday 19 May 2020


WALT creatively write and present a piece of poetry.
reflection: I choose to write a acrostic poem because it was the easiest in my opinion. I choose all those because they relate to refugee somehow. If we had to leave new Zealand what country would you go to?

Thursday 7 May 2020