
Tuesday 3 March 2020


WALT create a quality blog post for our online audience, using correct punctuation.

What is respect?

Respect is when you treat someone or something with manaakitanga. Manaakitanga is when you care for something or someone. For example respect may look like we listen and wait our turn to share. It may also look like someone offers you something you would say thank you. or if someone asks you if you want something you would say yes please or no thank you those are manners.

that is some examples of respect we try to use that in our everyday life.


  1. Tēnā koe Dev. You have included a title, subheading and WALT in your mahi today, well done. You mentioned respect is treating someone or something with manaakitanga - sometimes when we're feeling frustrated it can be hard for us to show manaakitanga, but we usually always have a few people or belongings that no matter how we feel, we still manage to show them respect. Can you think of anyone or anything that you know you're able to respect all the time? I know that no matter how angry or upset I might be, I'm always respectful to my Nana & Poppa. They are really important to me and I would be really disappointed in myself if I ever disrespected them. Do you have anyone like this in your life? Why do you think those are the people you chose? What makes them different to anyone else?

  2. thank you Miss Fleet someone that I will always respect is my Nana because she is the nicest Nana in the world and I will always respect her. What I think makes her different to every one else is that she is very entertaining and chill at the same time And because she buys me lots of stuff such as treats lolies,clothes and the best Christmas/birthday presents. I think I respect my nana the most because I spend the most time with her. that why i treat my nana with respect all the time I respect everyone in my family but i respect my nan all the time
