
Friday 6 March 2020

maori gods

WALT  write to describe how nga atua Maori relate to us.

This term, Huia whanau have been talking about maori gods. The first thing we did was a bus stop activity to find out what we already knew. We then read the creation story and retold it in our own creative way. I chose to work collaboratively with Lopala and Liam and we made a storyboard which is like a comic but we only put the main parts in there because we didn't have enough room to do the whole story. as a class, we identified some important atua (gods) 
: Rongo-ma-tane, Maui, Ruaumoko, Tumatauenga, Tawhirimatea, Tangaroa. as a class we started working on our collaborative art  we got a section of the big picture and had to decide on what colour to do the gods. On Wednesday, we learnt about the different feeling and emotions of the different atua (gods) then miss thought us a song with actions.  what god do you relate to? 


  1. Tēnā koe Dev! I have really enjoyed reading your mahi about nga Atua maori. I was really interested in your collaborative storyboard that you, Lopala and Liam made together. How did you find working with your friends?

    I can see you've listed some Atua that we've looked at. I really connect with Papatuanuku. To me, she is our mother earth and carer of all things. I really enjoy being out in nature, either walking through the ngahere or climbing a maunga. Do you have a favourite Atua? Why do you like this Atua the most? What has been your favourite part about our learning so far?

  2. I found working with my friends easy because we shared the load equally. witch made it easier I think. i think my favourite atua/god would have to be Tangaroa because I love the water and I go fishing a lot with my dad and my family. my favourite part about this Maori learning would have to be learning the song it was very fun.
