
Monday 10 December 2018

business slide

want: to make a slideshow on our business and what to make

Reflection: this was one of the most fun  i have ever done thank you miss

Tuesday 27 November 2018

google docs ninja challenge

walt see how good we are on our google docs reflection I think I did all right b ut next time I would like to do better by making It tiddy.

Wednesday 21 November 2018


walt upload a screencastify to my blog. reflection I am confedit I can upload a screen castify.

Friday 16 November 2018

sick beats


Walt to make a beat on soundtrap and post it on my blog.
Reflection - I think it turned out pretty well but next time I think I should make it shorter

Friday 9 November 2018

my screen castify

my screen castify
Walt to screencastify how to measure distances on google my maps.
reflection I did very well.

procedural writing

Walt to write a procedural writing on how to make ninja stars 

Monday 29 October 2018

Mr Forsith

walt make a class currency using success criteria.
 We did very well but I think our group should of worked better

Friday 19 October 2018

The vegetarian 9000

walt to be creative using enviro-friendly ingredients in groups.  
I think It would have been better If our grouped worked better but it turned out alright.

Friday 21 September 2018

poetry tools poster

Walt make a poetry tools poster  
reflection I think I did real good what about you


walt make a moment in time poem
 I think its really good actually one of my best pieces  but what about you

Monday 17 September 2018

Thursday 6 September 2018

my pollution anamation

walt create an animation about pollution on google slides
I think I did quite well I think it has a good story behind it but what about you?

Friday 31 August 2018

my favourite Maui page

walt use google drawing to create a scene.
I think I did really well what do you think

Friday 10 August 2018

springbok poster

walt creat a springbok poster with a buddy
I think it looks good what about you.

Friday 3 August 2018

my screen castify

this is my screen castify of my google slide of 1080
I think it turned out good what about you

our 1080 slide

this week we had to make a slide on 1080 this is my groups
I think it tuned out good what about you

Friday 27 July 2018

1080 narrative

Have you heard of 1080?
1080 is a horrible poison that kills native wildlife like kea.
The helicopters full a spreader with 1080.
Then they go to the native bush and drop it all over it to get rid of the pest.
It works but, it also kills the native wildlife.

1080, In fact, kills 25% of kea every 3 years.
I'm sad because nearly as much native wildlife die as the pests That's why I think they should stop using 1080

Friday 29 June 2018

Thursday 28 June 2018

my favourite maui slide

This week we only did one paragraph and this is my narrative about Maui I feel pretty good. And I'v learnt how to take a screen shot     

may red ball

Wednesday 20 June 2018

disciptive writting

Big yellow machines with jet black squares on the
top and big arms in the front. And all the wires  
everywhere. Big bright lights on the top of most
Machines.And all the hydraulics with all the bolts
And all the little poor animals.

They probably feel sad because the humans are
Destroying there home.I’m sad because

That once was there beautiful home now look at it.

my narrative w8

MY comic w8

Tuesday 29 May 2018

all about me

week two- dragon world

Image result for pobble 365 dragonDo you like dragons? well this is
the story for you. Once upon a time there were three dragons
enjoying there evening flyet in the beautiful red sky.
When the sky went black and they looked up to a  humongous
star destroyer but little did they know that Darth Vader was in
the driver's seat.then the star destroyer started shooting there
home bang! bang! so the dragons started to get angry so they
fought with all there might and they fought for hours and hours.

Then the chief dragon saw Darth Vader they new each other
from in the past when Darth Vader tried to take over sometimes
he has flashbacks of all his men dieing . so he spread his wings
and flue down with all his might then he took a big breath of air
and then it came out as fire And it all rained  down on darth
vade'r.But somehow somewhere he came out like nothing
happened so then they fought for hours and hours until the chief
of the dragons got him down and stuck his five meter claw right
through Darth vader's head and then all of Darth Vader's men
stood down and all got back in there star destroyer and never
returned and the dragons lived happily ever after...   

Monday 28 May 2018

Te reo slide and narrative slide

Do you like dragons? well this is the story for you. Once upon a time there were three dragons enjoying there evening flying in the beautiful red sky. When the sky went black and they looked up to a  humongous star destroyer but little did they know that Darth Vader was in the driver's seat.then sudenly the star destroyer started shooting there home bang! bang! so the dragons started to get angry so they fought with all there might and they fought for hours and hours.

Then the chief dragon saw Darth Vader they new each other from in the past when Darth Vader tried to take over sometimes he has flashbacks of all his men dieing . so he spread his wings and flue down with all his might then he took a big breath of air and then it came out as fire And it all rained  down on Darth Vader. But somehow somewhere he came out like nothing happened so then they fought for hours and hours until the chief of the dragons got him down and stuck his five meter claw right through Darth vaders head and then all of Darth vaders men stood down and all got back in there star destroyer and never returned and the dragons lived happily ever after...