
Tuesday 25 February 2020

creation story

WALT tell the creation story in a creative way and your own word

reflection: this was cool but hard because I had to do it on liams chrome book and it was about to go flat and I was in a bit of a rush me and liam and pala were in a group. this is very unique piece off work.we colour coded the characters to represent different gods. we decided to work on a story board because we thought it would be easy it was kind of. this is a retell of the Moari creation story. Liam Pala and I choose to work as a group because we are Friends and we get along well with each other and we did work well together.

Friday 21 February 2020

inquiry quistions

WALT find info on our Tangata Rongonui 
inquiry questionsthis was interesting i really enjoyed the research i learnt a lot about nle choppa, well me and Pala learnt a lot about nle but mostly me because Lopala just sat there and watched YouTube .


my hobby's include: motorbike riding,car driving,hunting
I love motorbike riding because i like the win blowing in your hair i like car driving because once I arrive at the destination and hunting because its fun

Wednesday 19 February 2020

tech recount

WALT use correct punctuation.
Our first tech teacher was miss Du flu who is the cooking teacher at tech. Shes the best in my opinion, we made corn fritters they were pretty yummy. When we got there we had to wash our hands then miss Du flu gave us the recipe and we were off and we turned on the pan and put the corn fritters in there.

Tuesday 11 February 2020

book reveiw

lucky Luke: the singing wire
this is a non fiction comic/picture book
this book is really interesting from the bits I have read the first two pages the include the  power line connecting the states and the two teams that are working on the power line but there having a compatition on who can build there side of the power line the quickest who ever builds there half quickest wins $100,000.

Friday 7 February 2020

team building 3

WALT work together as a team.
On Wednesday we had another team building activity. This time we had a balloon and we got in groups of 4 or 5 and we had to pass the water balloon around in a circle without popping it. but every time someone caught it we had to take a step out. As the circle got bigger and bigger it got harder and harder to catch. I learnt that when you have something that fragile you have to work as a team to look after it.

Wednesday 5 February 2020

Team building 2

WALT work together as a team
Yesterday on the 4th of January we did another team building activity but this time we had to see who could build the tallest and sturdiest tower out of skewers and marshmallows. our team started of building a short but strong tower and then we saw Eva's group and we just started putting skewers every were. my group worked well it was very funny.

Tuesday 4 February 2020

10 things

1.baked beans because it doesn't expire quickly and it taste good
2.water cracker because the don't expire quickly
3. nuts because they tasty
4.fruit keep you healthy and taste nice
5.carrots to keep your vision good
6.broccoli to keep you healthy
7.watermelon to keep you hydrated
8. lollies for a snack
9. ready salted chips because they are nice and you don't have to have a fridge or freezer.

Team building

WALT work together as a team

After lunch on the first day of school. myself lopala,Kauri,Aneika and Liam were in a group together the objective of the team building was to see what team could build the highest and fastest cup tower without touching the cups. The materials we got were a few pieces of string 1 rubber band and 20 plastic cups. I personally think my group and I worked pretty well together but if the tower fell over we always just blamed 1 person instead of encouraging each other but otherwise we worked pretty well together we included everyone and just worked generally well together. actually we worked that well together when miss said you can go with your Friends. We just went together again because the first time we worked so well. so yeah that was team building