
Saturday 21 December 2019

summer learning/pepeha

WALT write my pepeha and post it on my blog.
Ko whakakoro toku maunga (mountain)
Ko awaroa toku awa (river)
Ko mamaru toku waka (canoe)
Ko Te Rarawa toku iwi (tribe)
Ko ngati haua toku hapu (subtribe)
Ko Te Kotahitanga toku marae (homestead)
Ko Cathy roua ko Ken toku tipuna (grandparents)
Ko jen roua ko doug toku tipuna (other grandparents)
Ko George raua ko Chelsea toku matua (parents)
Ko Kobie toku tuakana teina
Ko Devlin ahoa
Reflection this is my first activity on this summer learning
journal it sounds and looks really cool.