
Saturday 21 December 2019

summer learning/pepeha

WALT write my pepeha and post it on my blog.
Ko whakakoro toku maunga (mountain)
Ko awaroa toku awa (river)
Ko mamaru toku waka (canoe)
Ko Te Rarawa toku iwi (tribe)
Ko ngati haua toku hapu (subtribe)
Ko Te Kotahitanga toku marae (homestead)
Ko Cathy roua ko Ken toku tipuna (grandparents)
Ko jen roua ko doug toku tipuna (other grandparents)
Ko George raua ko Chelsea toku matua (parents)
Ko Kobie toku tuakana teina
Ko Devlin ahoa
Reflection this is my first activity on this summer learning
journal it sounds and looks really cool.

Tuesday 5 November 2019

tittle page for awatea and the kawa gang

WALT make a new tittle page for the novel that you a reading

Wednesday 16 October 2019

WALT to identify 2d polygons

Tuesday 15 October 2019

Awatea and the kawa gang introduction

WALT introduce the novel we've chosen and our literacy goals for the term.

this term I have chosen a book called Awatea and the kawa gang by Fraser smith. I found out yesterday that The main characters are Carrot and Awatea. I am going read this book independently mainly because I am the only one that chose this book. 

My goal this term is to write write a level four summarise after I read the book.

Wednesday 18 September 2019

Friday 13 September 2019

Monday 2 September 2019

what is a variable

WALT use BEDMAS to solve algebraic problems

Thursday 29 August 2019

Wednesday 28 August 2019

Monday 26 August 2019

film research and source

order of operations

Walt solve algebraic equations

Wednesday 21 August 2019


WALT take a variety of different camera shots today for literacy we had to choose a buddy and take a variety of photos and past them on the slide. And then we had to write a purpose for the photo like we have done on mine and ashers slide.

Wednesday 14 August 2019


WALT summarise the text in your own words

Tuesday 30 July 2019


Film making On Friday we made a video about me and Pala fighting. Jaspa was the recorder, and Crez did nothing. Jaspa also was the editor. It was very fun, especially the part were me and Pala were fighting. And when crez was screaming because pala was going to beat him up. Our video was supposed to be a karate kid but then pala took it a bit overboard and started beating us up.

WALT: to make a fim in a group and edit it using we video

reflection: this was a very fun activity I think every one in my group thought it was fun. In my group there was me Pala,Jaspa and Crez. next time I think me and my group need to work better together and make a more interesting film.

Thursday 27 June 2019

the human brain.

Walt Think critically about a range of texts by summarising and evaluating new information. reflection: so the last two weeks Lopala,Asher and I made a slide on what we have been learning. such as the human brain, the solar system and sculpting things in sculptgl such as making a human brain and we made our solar system on that platform. we have a lot of writing on our slide but I learnt a bunch of new stuff such as there are two parts of the brain the left and the right.

Tuesday 11 June 2019

squaring whole numbers

WALT squaring whole numbers reflection this was a very quick activity but don't get me wrong it was very fun.

Friday 31 May 2019

Bouncy egg

Walt make connections between the human skeletal system and our science experiment.

materials: class or jar 
white vinegar
instructions: the egg in the jar and add white vinegar until it is completely submerged.
2.Seal the top of the jar
3. Leave the egg in the vinegar for for days 
4.Remove the egg from the jar and rinse the jar out.
5.Drop it and see if it bounces
reflection: I enjoyed seeing the changes in the egg. next time I think we should only put it in for three days. And change the vinegar after two days.

Thursday 30 May 2019

Team building

WALT show our school values during team building.
This morning in team building me and my group were showing school values like respect because we were not eating the resources. And also showing teamwork by putting all our ideas together to make one good marshmallow catapult. Even though it was pretty tempting  not to eat the marshmallows I think it turned out pretty good.

Tuesday 28 May 2019

team building

WALT show our school values during team building.
This morning we tried to make 3d shapes with toothpicks and marshmallows while also showing the school values. In this activity my group and I showed some school values like me and my group were showing respect by listening to the instructions and getting a descent 3d shape.My group also showed responsibility by all participating and all making there own design   then who ever design was the best we showed and in this case Palas. this team building activity was very hard because the shapes keep falling over.  

Wednesday 15 May 2019


WALT: find the perimeter of irregular shapes.
reflection today was fun because it was lots of maths. I was puzzled on how the first time I counted it was 60 then the next time it was 59 otherwise it was interesting. I would not have finished as fast as I did if it wasn't for josh he is a savoir. next time I should pay more attention to what I am doin,and not talk as much.

Tuesday 14 May 2019


Walt find the perimeter and area of regular and irregular shape. This was really fun to do and I learnt a lot. About measurement especially the irregular shapes thank god I had josh to help me.

Monday 13 May 2019

kia tika

Walt share what respect looks like at kangaroa school.
why is kia tika important well it is important because kids need to know what is right and what  is wrong.and people need to be treated the same way I was proud of myself for the work that I have produced. and I think next time I can pick a less distracting partner.

Thursday 9 May 2019

digestive system

Walt think critically about texts and respond accordingly.

I surprised myself when I read both texts by myself. I found some of the big words hard so I went and got help from miss. this week I really tried to stay on task and be with my friends.but they distracted me to much so I had to move away. But when I did I got my work completed.

Monday 6 May 2019

what is the area

walt to find the area of a 2d shape.

Friday 3 May 2019

skeleton system

walt think critically about text and respond accordingly.  reflection I thought this learning was fun.

Wednesday 10 April 2019

waitangi recount

walt recount our trip to 

On friday huia whanoa/my class went to waitangi. When we got to our destination, we all got of the bus and formed a single file line. Then we went and had morning tea.after lunch fire
Monika and fire Kery came out from the building and took to matua ritched.  He told us a story about kupea the grandson of tangaroa.

i think I did a resealable amount of work in the time that was given.

Tuesday 5 March 2019